All songs copyright of the respective copyright holder, and have been put up here without their knowledge or consent. If you represent an artist or a label, please don't be mad. We meant this to be nice and fun and useful. If you don't like it, let us know, and we'll yank the mp3 in question right down.
Same goes for any quotes or passages taken from any books, magazines, films, what-have-you. Just let us know.
[downloads will only be available for a week or two... older files are deleted from the server]
[so if you found this page via a google search and you're finding all dead links, that's why. sorry!]
Copyright 2005 The Self-Starter Foundation
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For further information, please contact The Self-Starter Foundation.
(And with all of that said, go ahead and cut and paste whatever you want, just give the proper credit and a link, ok?)