The Go-Betweens - "16 Lovers Lane" page 1

I can't stop listening to "16 Lovers Lane" by The Go-Betweens. It's not considered to be one of their more important works (enthusiasts probably consider it in the lower half of their canon, even including the modern-era recordings; hardcore Go-Betweens fans probably prefer to stick with making jokes about "Tallulah" and pretending "16 Lovers Lane" simply doesn't exist), but I'm willing to argue it's actually possibly their finest work.

Here's the track listing:

The Go-Betweens - "16 Lovers Lane"
1. Love Goes On!
2. Quiet Heart
3. Love Is A Sign
4. You Can't Say No Forever
5. The Devil's Eye
6. Streets Of Your Town
7. Clouds
8. Was There Anything I Could Do?
9. I'm Allright
10. Dive For Your Memory

It opens with a couple of chords that sound like the opening of "Fun And Games" by The Connells (it was probably being written at the same time). "Love Goes On!". Not just spoken, it's shouted. And what's goes better with a shout of "Love Goes On!" than a "Ba Da Ba Ba, Ba Da Da BAW!". Nothing. Nothing is better. Although the pause and lovely arpeggio ARE a nice touch.

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