NP:"(Believed You Were) Lucky" - 'Til Tuesday. Was explaining to Scott from Frightened Rabbit about how this is one of the three most brutal break-up records of all time (along with Seam's "Are You Driving Me Crazy?" and The Wedding Present's "Seamonsters"), and played it for him in the van. And then it hit me: this song is written almost exactly like a Frightened Rabbit song. Similar structure, and the drums move the melody forward in the same way. I was kinda floored. NP:"Pete Standing Alone" - Boards Of Canada. Finally actually getting to listen to some of the stuff I've been downloading and compiling. Such good walking music this is. NP:"Edit" - Regina Spektor. The new album still impressing me with every listen. NP:"America" - Simon & Garfunkel. Put this on in the van the other day while driving, umm... while driving on the New Jersey Turnpike. Duh. NP:"Wake Up" - Dr. Dog. En route to Philly, felt like this needed to be put on. Just got the new record, but haven't listened yet. I need to go do that. NP:"Just Can't Get To You" - Toto. I now have, I believe, the entire Toto discography. I'm really loving this song. NP:"I'm Not The Only One" - The Brother Kite. This song reminds me of some stuff I really love: Buffalo Tom (the latter not-as-good era, but I still liked it anyway), and for some reason The Cure song "2 Late" comes to mind, too. Something about the pace and structure. They were pretty great the other night at Sin-e, and awfully nice folks, too. NP:"Day My Eyes Came Back" - G.W. McLennan. I miss this fucker. I really can't believe he's gone. Awful. NP:"Red Rain" - Peter Gabriel. Strange coincidence the other night: I come home late from BBBB in the rain, and somehow this song pops into my head. The next day Kendel asks me if I have the Peter Gabriel "So" album. Swear to god. Completely unrelated. How weird is that? NP:"Since I've Been Loving You" - Led Zeppelin. I uploaded this and the next song forever ago, but just never posted them. So, here they are now. NP:"Helter Skelter" - The Beatles. NR: random New Yorkers from the last month or two. Have actually managed to get through 3 full issues in the last week.
Video of "Square 9" from Micheline's In Brooklyn on the first night of the tour:
Haven't written about the Frightened Rabbit shows yet. They were all amazing, and it was a wonderful 2 weeks. My liver is still recovering, but I already can't wait for them to be back.
NP:"The Greys" - Frightened Rabbit. NP:"Music Now" - Frightened Rabbit. NR: The press releases and emails I've been writing. Yawn.
So it's finally happening. The dates are really confirmed and the shows are really going to happen. I can't believe that they get on a plane on Sunday night. Insane. Really insane.
Click the photo for everything you need to know about Frightened Rabbit and their U.S. tour dates that I set up.
NP:"The Ghost Of A Smile" - The Pogues. Downloaded all the Pogues albums that I didn't have the other day. What a brilliant band. NP:"The Sunnyside Of The Street" - The Pogues. NP:"Lorelei" - The Pogues. NP:"Fidelity" - Regina Spektor. If you don't like this you are an idiot. NP:"Demo Track #2" - The Oranges Band. Don't even know the name of this. The new 3-song demo is brilliant. NP:"Round And Round" - Spandau Ballet. "She was only 18 summers long". The delivery sounds like Teddy Leo to me. NR: Same as last posting.
Some stuff I was listening to a while ago, but didn't write about. Didn't write much for almost a month there. I guess it was a solid month, actually. A very eventful (and good) month. Getting back together with Kendel has felt like a revelation, and it's been good. Very good.
Going to London and Glasgow was amazing. I need to pick up the rest of the photos. I'm sure not many of them came out, either, but... I would like to scan a couple of the decent ones. Frightened Rabbit were total sweethearts, and they're set was the best thing I've seen in forever. So fucking good. Claire and Marcus at Hits The Fan were great, Robbie was great, Fraser was great, The Twilight Sad were great. The food at Ubiquitous Chip and Stravagin was great. The whiskey was great. The Guinness was great. It was all amazing.
I was very lucky to be able to make the trip. I've been lucky all month. Maybe this is my year? It's definitely OUR year.
NP:"It's Christmas So We'll Stop" - Frightened Rabbit. What a beautiful fucking song. If this isn't the UK pop charts Christmas 2007 #1, there's something even more seriously wrong with the world than I tend to think. NR: Same as last posting. Except I'm halfway through 2 of the last 3 New Yorkers. Went back and read the Warner Herzog article from last summer, too. Looking forward to "Rescue Dawn".
Been working 8-10 hours a day on this Frightened Rabbit tour. Don't even know why I'm doing all of this, really, but... I'm excited to get to see them seven more times, that's for sure. I hope it goes well. On one hand I'm completely confident and find myself saying things like "If the Mercury Lounge show sells out...", and then on the other hand I'm wondering if my pride is kicking in too much and I fear that nobody is going to show up to any of the shows. I guess only time will tell, eh?
NP:"I'll Fly For You" - Spandau Ballet. NR: started the new Alice Munro. Haven't touched that Pinera in a month. Still have the last vignette in "Last Exit To Brooklyn" to finish.
Downloaded every Spandau Ballet album the other day. Slowly going through it all. Can't find that John Darnielle article from the print-only version of Last Plane To Jakarta. It must have been 2500 words on Spandau Ballet. At least it was in my memory. Anybody out there have copy of it that I could scan / transcribe?
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