NP: "Everything Reminds Me" Le Chevre.
NP: "Come On Train" Don Thomas.
NP: "Traffic" Chad VanGaalen.
NP: "L.A. Tool & Die" Spouse.
NP: "Joker" Spouse.
NP: "Mr. Mudd and Mr. Gold" Townes Van Zandt.
NP: "(They Long To Be) Close To You" Isaac Hayes.
NR: I guess I'm about to start "The Baphomet" by Pierre Klossowski. Finally finished "Baudolino" by Umberto Eco, and the new New Yorker didn't arrive today for some reason.
Quote from the other night:
C: "I'm going to burn in hell."
K: "I'll be right there next you."
C: "If you're right there next to me, I'll KNOW I'm in hell."
I think I'm the funniest person I know. That's true. I mean... It's true that I think that, and it's TRUE.
Played a 5 hour session of 1-2 No Limit at BBBB last night. It was a long downhill slide followed by a couple of large (and occasionally stupid) hands, and ended it with me cashing out up $200 (was down $750 at one point) and considering the night a success.
Five hands in particular got me all my money. The losses were never big, I never really misplayed anything or got any bad beats. I had KQ top two pair get rivered by a flush, and I paid the guy off, but it was only $73 into a $225 pot, and I misplayed an AK in early position and paid off a straight on the river when I should have popped the flop or the turn and taken the hand down.
But here's a quick rundown of the last two hours:
I limp with 97offsuit. Someone on the button raises to $15. It comes back to me with 3 callers, I decide to call for the hell of it. The flop comes:

Check, check, check, button bets $30. One guy folds, next guy calls, I call. The turn:

Check, check, button bets $65. Next guy hesitates for a good long while. Eventually calls. He's an aggressive player. I don't know what to think. I think he's on the flush draw. I call. The river:

First guy checks. I check. The button thinks about it for a while and checks. Turns over 64spades. Next guy turns over J5spades. I turn over a pair of sevens and take down the $340 pot.
I'm in the big blind with 10Jdiamonds. Under The Gun raises to $25, and gets 3 callers. I'm last to act, and I call the $25. $125 in the pot. The flop:

I come out betting $50. The raiser calls. Next guy raises to $150, other two players fold. I call. Original raiser folds. We can all tell he has an overpair (he later says he has Aces. I believe him.). The turn:

I check. Other guy goes all-in for $173. I call. The river:

He turns over K7diamonds... King High. He was open-ended and missed, but didn't have a pair. I turn over a pair of 10s and take down the huge pot. Guy with Aces goes a little crazy, but we all assure him he made the right laydown. I'm glad he made it.
I get AA in early position. I raise to $17, get 4 callers, three behind me and one of the blinds. The flop.

Not the scariest flop, but on this table somebody could have called a raise with A2 or 66. I bet $80. First guy folds, next guy (the same raiser as in the previous hand, and a notoriously loose aggressive player) raises to $180. Other two guys fold. I call. I seriously consider folding right there, but I decide to see one more card. The turn:

I check. I basically surrender the hand to Glen. He checks. I begin to think he doesn't have the 2, but I'm still scared. The river:

I figure I'm winning, but I still check. He checks, and turns over 69diamonds. He says "I put you on AK". My AA holds.
The most nerveracking hand of the night. I get JJ on the button. There's one limper on the straddle, then Jay raises to $22. It folds to me. I raise to $65. Jay calls. Heads up to the flop:

He checks. I think I'm ahead. I bet $75. A bit of an underbet, but I'm a little scared. He has $2000 in front of him, I have $1100. We are the two biggest stacks on the table. He calls. The turn:

He checks. I don't know what to think of his call on the flop. I know I have to bet and not give him a free card, but if I bet the pot, he could put me all-in and I'd have to fold. So I decide to bet $125. A more proper bet would have been about $200 or $225. He hesitates but calls. I really think he has QQ now. The river:

He checks. I check. I just couldn't bet again. Everybody looks at me like I'm a pussy, but... I really convinced myself that he was going to make a crying call with the best hand. He says he had AKhearts, and it would make sense, although I think he's a really aggressive player and would have raised me on the flop. But he says that since I was another big stack, he didn't want to risk me putting him all-in.
Definitely the stupidest hand of the night. I limp on the button with 23offsuit. One of the blinds raises to $17. I call, for no real logical reason. 4 players; the flop comes:

Now... I'm pretty damn positive I'm really very far ahead. First guy bets $35, next guy calls. Next guy folds. I raise to $150. I'm hoping to take it down right there. Original raiser / bettor thinks about it for a while and calls. Next guy says "send me home" and goes all-in for $170 total. I call, other guy calls. We kinda make eye contact with one another and give each other the "check it down" nod / gesture. The turn:

He checks, I check. The river:

He checks, I check. I say "two pair", they both say it's good, and I turn over the 23 and everybody looks at me like I'm insane. It's a feeling I get used to when I sit at the table long enough.
The first guy had A9. The all-in guy had 45. If I had known what they had both had, I wouldn't have been as scared. But I was just happy with taking down a $400 profit hand if i win, and only losing $170 if I lost. I should have put A9 all-in on the turn, but I doubt if he would have called anyway. I just looked up the odds:
on the flop:
23 - 57%
A9 - 17%
45 - 26%
23 - 71%
A9 - 12%
45 - 17%
heads up on turn it's
23 - 82%
A9 - 18%
I play out the half hour and cash out up $200 relieved.