11.18.05 Nice Comments
NP: "Fake Tales Of San Francisco" – Arctic Monkeys
NR: "An Autumn Story" - Tommaso Landolfi
A listing found while searching for a book on Amazon. Nice Comments.
Seller: prospero@mind.net (Safe buying guarantee)
Rating: 96% positive ratings over the past twelve months (726 ratings). Seller has 2068 lifetime ratings.
Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days; Ships from OR, United States. Expedited shipping available. International shipping available.
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Comments: NF/NF DJ, Dust jacket over soft cover. Slight cock, minor rubs on dj, clean, tight, crisp.
11.15.05 "It’s not a dancefloor, it’s a candy store"
NP: "A Joy" – Four Tet
NR: "A Different Drummer" - William Kelley.
the foreward (by the author Virgilio Pinera, in translation) to Cold Tales:
As these are heated times, these Cold Tales should, I think, come in handy. As soon as he faces them, the reader will find that their coldness is deceptive, that they are very hot, that the author himself is within the oven, and that, like his fellow men, his body and soul blaze bright in an inferno of his own devising.
The tales are cold because they limit themselves to the hard facts. The author maintains that life neither rewards nor punishes, neither condemns nor saves; or, to be more exact, does not distinguish these complicated categories. He can only say that he lives, that he is not obliged to judge his own acts, to give them any significance whatsoever, to expect vindication at the end of his days. Instead, full of enthusiasm, we let the pen run freely. Soon, the words, the letters run together, become confused; in the end, we understand nothing, we revert to infancy, we are like children, their mouths stuffed with candy. And then, a mysterious babbling, spontaneous and noisy, bursts forth:
ba, ba, ba, ba . . . .
11.11.05 “Charles! Charles! Charles, you came back from the dead.”
NP: nuthin.
NR: still New Yorkers.
it is getting frustrating for me to watch so many bad players making money. i need to really play a shit-ton more of poker. really think i'm going to start going to RRRR during the day as much as i can, just to get in the hours.
i went to LLLL last night after work. until 6 AM (they close at 6). won $55. was up $150 at one point, but i get QQ on the button on a five-handed table. limp limp to me. i raise to $12. call call. raise to $50 (and i thought it was a straddle, but i realize now it was a limp re-raise.). next guy folds. i got to $150. fold fold. back to the other guy and he goes all-in and covers me. i think about it for a minute. he says "can i show my cards? am i allowed to show my cards and not have them be ruled dead. what's the rule here?" everybody says it's OK. he shows me AA. i thank him and turn over QQ and fold. everybody looks at him like he's crazy. he says he's happy to make $175 bucks with AA and not have any risk of losing it. i had $250 behind, and everybody's kinda looking at me like i'm crazy for folding when i'm in for $150, but... another $250 to win $575... it just doesn't make sense.
it's an easy game there, though. i feel like i can beat it consistently.
11.07.05 deus ex (ghost in the) machina
NP: New Leona Naess songs.
NP: Kanye. "I'm trying to right my wrongs, but it's funny: them same wrongs helped me write this song."
NR: The last 5 copies of The New Yorker (I finally got a subscription), piled up from when I was on tour.
The mixed-yet-separate scents of fallen leaves and dogshit.
There’s a block near my house that consistently smells like dogshit. I really find myself looking around and wondering if/where the urban legend “apartment of the crazy lady trapped under a six-foot stack of 1967 newspapers” is. And are the dogs eating the flesh from her limbs yet?
What a strange time right now. Two of the most beautiful women I know, both of which I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with, are pregnant. An old friend is moving back to Memphis. Another friend has finally, after 10 years of school around the globe, finally made it TO New York. Mitch just got married. Pete just got engaged.
Shira is the first New York woman I ever met. She’s also the first woman to ever make me feel attractive. I’d been with girls before; I’d dated before. But this was the first woman I ever met that was confident, attractive, secure, cosmopolitan, aggressive, strong, beautiful. In other words, completely out of my league. But she made me feel like I could maybe, just maybe, be in the same category.
When Men’s Health ran an article where they talked with four “real woman” about what they really want out of life, and they ran photos of Shira looking gorgeous, all my friends freaked out about how hot she was. And then they teased me about the fact that her ideal man was Jewish.
Nonetheless, I wasn’t her ideal man, but I still love her to death. And I’m excited for her and her husband to be having twins.
I am feeling like more of a kid than ever.

a sign in a store window the other day. seemed worthy of photographing.
11.03.05 finally
NP: "Stars" – Hum
NR: “The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana” – Umberto Eco. “Do you know you’re the only man in the world, the only man on the face of the earth from Adam up to now, who when his wife sends him out to buy roses comes home with a pair of dog balls?”
NR: “Bylines: Ernest Hemingway”
took $1000 off the table at LLLL last night.
cashed in for $200, lost two pair vs. set. bought in for another $200. hit a nice hand and doubled up.
couple of hands later i get JJ on a straddle, somebody raised to $20, three callers, it comes to me and i make it $125. first raiser goes all in for like $117, next guy calls, two guys fold.
flop comes 2 4 K. i'm first to act, and i go all in for $248. guy thinks about it for a while and calls.
turn comes a J (third diamond), river comes a blank. all in guy turns over his AK, i drop my JJ, other guy turns over his AK. one of the guys that folded said he had KJ.
one outer, but after what happened to my KK earlier in the day, i don't give a care.
so i got $900 in front of me now. pick up a couple of hands, make a really nice bluff at a $225 pot with a $125 river bet that i'm sure i was losing.
get red KK on the button. small blind, big blind, straddle to 5, somebody early makes it 17. get 2 callers, guy immediately before me makes it 50. it looks like he only has about 85 behind him, so i smooth call kinda hoping early raiser might put him all in? although my smooth call should probably look pretty fishy.
anyway... one of the blinds cold calls (yikes), originally raiser calls, and one of the other callers calls (one folds). so... there's like $275 in the pot preflop.
flop comes 2 8 10, two spades.
check check check guy to my right goes all-in for almost $200. i really didn't think he had that much. but i'm not really worried about him. i put him on a lower pair like JJ or QQ. although i do worry about 10 10, but... if he hit it, i'll just lose my money and i'm not too worried about it, except the fact that if he DID have 10 10 and i had went all in pre-flop i'm sure he would have folded for another $200. big mistake (damn green chips).
first to act thinks about it a little bit and folds, next guy folds, next guy thinks and thinks and thinks. he's the other big stack on the table, also with about $800 in front of him. thinks and thinks and thinks and folds.
the guy to my right is reaching for his wallet and muttering that as soon as i went all in so quickly he knows he's fucked, so i know i'm winning. I turn over KK, he shows QQ.
it holds up.
the other guy claims he laid down 10 8, but i don't believe him for a second. but... i guess for $800 with two all ins in front of you, you would be worried about a set. it turns out that the turn and river come 6 6
and i ended up with Kings Up and would have beat his 10s Up, but... i'm not sure i believe him anyway.
but... a nice little $400 PROFIT hand. i play another uneventful 30 minutes, and cash out with $1410.
which means i only made $250 for the day, because i dropped $200 at BBBB last night in 15 minutes after work flopping top two vs. somebody flopping a straight and then missing a nut flush draw in a three way flop with me as small stack.
but... yeah... FINALLY.
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