I'm going to deal out seven hands, set them up like I normally would, and then play it out as if it really was happening. I'm going to set up the individual hands over the course of a couple of hours, so that I won't remember what I threw from previous hands (hopefully).
All high potential here, but not really as solid of a hand as it might appear. Discard 3hearts and 4hearts. Donate Jhearts. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
A pretty lackluster hand. Discard 5hearts and 5spades. Donate Qclubs. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
Awful hand. Hope for a straight flush? Discard 3diamonds and 2diamonds. Donate 8spades. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
Here's a hand with some potential, but it's still not a monster. Discard Kspades and 8diamonds. Donate 6diamonds. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
Here's a monster low draw hand. And a perfect time to try the "drop the Ace and go for the nuts with 2-3 low" move.

your donation card:
Not a very good hand. Discard 5clubs and 4clubs. Donate 4diamonds. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
This is a garbage hand. Maybe a good chance to try something silly. I'm going to keep the pair of 8s and the pair of 7s, and drop the Qspades and 6hearts. Donate 10spades. I'm going to see if I can hit a lucky set with my "high low cards", which people with low draws often throw. Here's what you are holding:

your donation card:
Now to see how the hand plays out.
Let's assume everybody called pre-flop.
the flop:

HAND #1: check
HAND #2: bets the open-ended and two pair
HAND #3: calls with open-ended and pair
HAND #4: raises with nut low draw
HAND #5: calls with low draw hoping to see the Ace he threw
HAND #6: folds gutshot and pair
HAND #7: raises with middle set
HAND #1: folds
HAND #2: calls
HAND #3: calls
HAND #4: caps it at 4 bets
HAND #5: calls
HAND #6: *already folded*
HAND #7: calls
HAND #1: *already folded*
HAND #2: calls
HAND #3: calls
5 players to the turn. Here it is:

HAND #2: checks
HAND #3: checks
HAND #4: bets (has lock low and nut diamond flush draw)
HAND #5: calls
HAND #7: raises
HAND #2: calls with open-ended, two pair, and non-nut flush draw
HAND #3: calls
HAND #4: raises lock low
HAND #5: calls (still looking for Ace)
HAND #7: raises middle set
HAND #2: calls
HAND #3: calls
HAND #4: calls
HAND #5: calls
5 players to the river. Here it is:

What a card. Now 2-3 is the lock low and 5-7 is the nut straight for high. Second nuts would be a set of Aces.
HAND #2: checks
HAND #3: checks
HAND #4: checks because his low just got counterfeited and he doesn't know if a set of Aces is good for high
HAND #5: bets with the nuts low
HAND #7: calls with a set of 8s
HAND #2: folds
HAND #3: folds
HAND #4: calls
HAND #5 shows first and shows no high and a 2-3 low.
HAND #7 shows a set of 8s high and a 7-8 low.
HAND #4 shows a set of As high and a 2-5 low.
HAND #5 and HAND #4 split the pot.
HAND #2 threw a Q as his discard, and knew a Q would give him the nut straight. If his card had come on the river instead of the A, he would have won high. He might have raised the flop or the turn on the come, but no matter what it was capped anyway, and he was happy to call. He had a GUARANTEED 1 in 4 chance on the flop if he missed the Q there, he had a guaranteed 1 in 3 chance on the turn of hitting the Q on the river. He's annoyed his card didn't come.
HAND #3, while he didn't know it, would have had the nuts had the other unused card, the 10, come on the river. It wasn't the card he discarded, though, so he didn't know that.
HAND #7, the only hand with a set on the flop, donated that 10 pre-flop, so knew there was a 1-in-3 chance the board wasn't going to pair on the river, AND he knew he discarded a 6 pre-flop, thus losing one of his boat outs.
All in all, this was a fairly strange hand. Usually two or three hands out of seven would be pretty strong, but in this case there were no real monsters pre-flop. Usually in this game you have somebody raising pre-flop and on the flop knowing (hoping) they are going to flop a big set, and everybody else is hoping to draw out on them. This sample would have been a bit strange, because of the psychology here. The raisers here were actually raising based upon hitting hands on the flop that they didn't actually throw (and without knowing what was coming next), but the other players didn't know that.
"Newmyer's Seven Nuts", "East Village", and the rules associated with the game, are Registered Trademarks of The Self-Starter Foundation.
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